Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yeah Boy-eeeeeee

I got into a play!

I'm going to be playing Roberta in "Danny and the Deep Blue Sea"!

I auditioned last Tuesday for a theatre company called Radical Dreamers NY. The audition was at Theatre for the New City, which has since changed its location, but in the early days of its life as a theatre, housed an ill-fated production called something like, "20 years after the Man in the Iron Mask" for which my mother did her first and only lighting design.

Speaking of theatrical dynasties, have you ever heard of anything sadder than Natasha Richardson?

Not to seem completely insensitive by opening with my own joyous news, but I find what happened to her to be so tragic. Especially because of all the conflicting reports. I mean, some places were reporting that she was already dead yesterday, and some reports said they still didn't know. I think everyone was so hopeful that she would pull through, it's all the more upseting to hear that she's died.

My friend Jen works for the Roundabout Theatre Company, and she'd done so many plays with them that many of the staff knew her personally. Jen says that everyone at Roundabout was devastated when they heard the news. Obviously, all our thoughts and prayers are with her husband and their sons.

It's so sad. It makes me tear up every time I think about it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My tidbit of wisdom for the evening...

There is no point to watching "25th Hour" if it's on a channel on which the curses must be dubbed.

I am in a creative black hole...


I'm working on a screenplay right now, and I have no idea what to write. I have the basic idea, the characters, the setting, all the little parts. Except the plot.

I close my eyes and visualize it and it's like when you start to black out and this blurry dark cloud just starts moving in on your field of vision. All my characters are just walking around moving their lips, and nothing is coming out.

Oh well. It's St. Patrick's day.




Why is Gangs of New York not on TV? Come on people it's St Paddy's day, it should be on a loop, 24-7. Or at the very least, the Back to the Future where Michael J. Fox plays his Irish ancestor with the very unconvincing accent. Instead I'm watching Fivel Goes West. Close. But not the same thing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Funny Every Time

New York City is turning me into a hardened individual, because one of my favorite things ever is when people lose their cell phone conversations when the 7 train goes underground.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Network Solutions Sucks Balls

So some weird shit is going on with my hosting package and I can't update my website.

Which means I can't post the new link to this new blog.

Which means no one can read this.


On a related note: Paul Rudd is EVERYWHERE right now. This combined with the fact that I saw him at the bar last night is adding up to some extreme obsession. I googled him, and I learned that there is a website out there called Famous Hook-Ups which lists all the relationship details of your favorite celebrities.

There are some gems, but Paul Rudd's page is fairly simple. Married, one Child. But there's an "Affairs" category, and underneath it it says, "no known affairs" and then, right next to it, there's a link you can click that says, "Add an Affair"

If only it were that simple.

What goes on?

So apparently my hosting package got rid of their blog function, so i am now a proud member of

Weird. Old blog entries are still available at (just in case you want to revisit such favorites as "God I'm Bored" or "Fuck Halloween."

So as a result of this period sans-blog and after coming down with the Black Lung, I haven't had the chance to update.

The improv show went well, I think. The six people who attended seemed to really enjoy it. Ha ha. Yeah, no one came. Well, my parents did.

I'm doing a ten-minute play tonight and tomorrow night at the Producer's Club for Theatreworks. Fun times. And I had an audition last night for Danny and the Deep Blue Sea which I think went very well.

Other than that, still not famous.

Maybe in a minute.

Nope...not yet.

Saw Paul Rudd at the bar last night again. Along with the guy who had the cubicle next to Leonardo DiCaprio in Revolutionary Road, and Chic from "Shall We Dance?" starring Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere. I hope his new TV show about Cupid goes well, but I'm not optimistic.

Whatever, better than my new TV show...which does not exist.

These hot rollers are burning my ear.

Also working on a screenplay.

Wow. I'm so glad to have my blog back. However did we exisit without such stimulating entertainment?