Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Okay, good things about life include the following:

"Slice of Life" is going great. Yesterday's road trip to Jersey was fun, if you don't count the three hours it took us to get there after getting lost three times, and the massive traffic on the way back. But there were Nathan's cheesy fries and a surprising mix CD made by our driver/Director of Photography Lucas.

After we got back to NY they filmed the scene where the pizza boy sees my film poster on the wall, and Partick sent me a picture of it:

I'm kind of really glad I wasn't there while they were shooting it. I saw the poster when Louis first picked it up.

My face is huge. You can kind of see how huge it is because Lucas is standing next to it. It's huge. I can't deal with my face being that huge.

Seriously, it freaks me out a little bit to see my face lying around. When I give out my business cards, if the person doesn't put them away right away, I have to ask them to turn it over.

There's just something very unsettling to me about looking down and seeing my face just lying on a table or something.


Something else good, (and oddly enough, having to do with my face lying around): The art exhibit that my headshot is in is currently running in Brooklyn. I'm going to try to get down to see it sometime in the next week. I'll definitely blog about it, so keep the eyes peeled.

Good thing number three: ActorFest is in ten days! One of my workshops got cancelled, which kind of sucks, but it opened up a slot so that I could register for another workshop instead. I decided to take the voice-over workshop, since I've been becoming more interested in voice-overs lately. Mostly because I've been watching a lot of Family Guy.

Feeling pretty good, despite having no money. Lost a few shifts this week due to filming, I'm going to have to do some doubles this weekend to make up for it. I'm game, though. Gotta eat.

Good thing about working in a restuarant though, they have to feed me. Free food.

And now, on to dishes and laundry and all the mundane household things I haven't been able to do in the past few days becuase I've been so busy I haven't even had time to watch all the TV I DVRed.

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