Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Resisting the urge to throw something out a window...

So...I think Ian just dropped out of the show. Hard to tell, because he did it via text message. But John just called me and the jist of the text he got leads him to believe that Ian's agent has advised him not to do the show.

Which is great to hear less than a month away from opening night.

But I have resolved not to panic.

Just like I resolved not to panic about the fact that we still hadn't actually blocked the show, that Ian backed out of the last two rehearsals we tried to schedule, that neither of us seemed to know our lines yet, that I was never going to learn my lines unless I actually rehearsed more, that the venue kept changing OR that I didn't think I'd be able to do justice to the intense emotional circumstances of the third scene unless I was so absolutely comfortable with thing like blocking and lines that I didn't have to worry about them at all.

Nope. Still not panicking.

Even though I've told all my friends and some of my former teachers and let's not forget CELEBRITIES at BARS about this show, and it's just for the grace of the theatre changing that I haven't had the chance to send out any mailings to industry people.

I Will Not Panic.



I Am So Angry.

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