Monday, January 4, 2010


The new year has begun, this calls for a new video! Scroll down to check out this fancy little function that lets you link to Actorwithabusinesscard's YouTube page directly from here.

It's a beautiful thing.

I love New Year's, mostly because of the conversation topics. Awkward silence? I think not, you can pull out the ever popular, "So what are your plans/what did you do for New Year's?" and of course, there's the subject of New Year's Resolutions.

And, true to form, this year I once again have several.

But first, let's take stock of last year's resolutions.

1. Yoga.
I give myself a 4 out of 10 on this one. I registered for Yoga classes, but never attended any of them, only to cancel my subscription a month later. But I did try out a couple of yoga routines on Exercise TV on Demand, only to find that I really hate yoga. It hurts.

2. Supermodel Body
In other words, get in shape. Big success. 10 out of 10. Don't believe me? Punch me in the stomach whilst I flex my abs. You will break your pinky finger.

3. Get my learner's permit.
Epic fail. And it wasn't even "learn to drive," which is much more complicated. No, I just had to go down to the DMV and take a test that I possess most of the common sense for. And I couldn't even do that.

4. Learn the piano.
Not even close.

Therefore, I declare 2009 a failure. Boo. Hiss. Hiss. Boo.

2010 is going to be a good year though, I can feel it in my bones. So, may the 2010 resolutions commence:

1. Find a new job.
Mama needs more moneys. So either I find a job that pays me more and I take it, or I find a job and my current offers me more money to stay. Either way, something's got to give.

2. Become an Internet Superstar.
300+ hits on my "How To Give People Your Business Card" video was definitely a confidence booster.

3. Take a firmer stance on the move to L.A.
A decision must be made. The clock is ticking and I can't afford to be wishy-washy about this any more. I need to start thinking logistics.

4. Be awesome.
Done and done.

5. Get sushi.
T-minus fifteen minutes until this resolution is realized. Mmmm....spicy kani roll.

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