Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tomorrow...who knows?

On Monday in the midst of my Inspiration-Spree, I cracked open "How To Be a Working Actor."

Now, this book has a lot of things in it that I find a bit unrealistic. After all, there is no specific route to take to become a working actor, so any book that boasts a "How To" is bound to have a little bit of BS in it. But it also has some really good stuff in it, including quote from people who have spent their whole lives in The Business. (And by the way, whenever they say "The Business" in this book, it's always written like that. Capital letters. The. Business.)

One of the quotes I read was from Nancy Curtis.

"In order to have a career as an actor, every day you need to do something."
Wise words. So on Monday I submitted my headshot and resume to six film projects. On Tuesday I did some work on the website, submitted to a couple of projects, and worked out for about twenty minutes. On Wednesday I had rehearsal, before which I sat down and did some serious script work.

But what did I do today?

I slept until 1:30pm and then went to work. But even though it's technically Friday now, today doesn't end until I go to sleep.

Although, today I did finally get the CD with my final headshots on it. Edited and everything.

That settles that. Today, I shall prepare to get my headshots printed so I can finally go to auditions again instead of just submitting electronically.


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