Thursday, March 26, 2015

Space Captain Premiere!

This past weekend we finally had the official screening of "Space Captain: Captain of Space!"

It has been a pretty incredible journey from the first time I ever read one of Jeff Sproul's in-progress scenes for his new show. It was 2011-2012 at the No Tea Productions writer's meetings in Jeff and Lindsey's living room!

Now they have two beautiful baby girls and a feature-length film under their belts!

They and Jeremy Mather had a screening for the cast, crew and invited guests at the Maya Deren Theater on the Lower East Side this past Saturday and it was so much fun!

Here are my Instagrams of the day:

A photo posted by Michele McNally (@michelemcnally) on

A photo posted by Michele McNally (@michelemcnally) on

A photo posted by Michele McNally (@michelemcnally) on

The finished film looked absolutely wonderful and I couldn't be prouder!