Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hat Trick

I've had three auditions in the past two weeks. All of them have been for film projects, non-union, no pay. But I've been looking for stuff like that because I want to have a reel by the end of the year. A good reel, with high-quality clips that really showcase my abilities and talents.

Of those three roles, I've gotten all of them.

Every. Single. One.

I apologize for my hubris. But day-um.

The last couple of months, when it was getting cold, and auditions were pretty thin on the ground, I was having a motivation problem. I'd sit at home at night, watching YouTube clips of my favorite celebrities, talking about how they got started, and I'd feel incredibly frustrated that I was still stuck at home emailing my resume.

But I was hibernating, and I didn't want to do the work. I flaked out on a couple of auditions, though I felt like crap afterwards.

So now that holidays are over and there are plenty of auditions to go around, I've been trying this whole new, positive attitude thing.

While I'm on the subway, taking my hour-long trip for my five-minute audition, I'll listen to "Lose Yourself" by Eminem, and think to myself, "I have to buy groceries, and go to the bank, and call my Mom... but first I'm going to go get this role."

And apparently, that train of thought is working.

So now, I have two projects filming in the next couple of weeks, and one around April. And in the meantime, plenty more auditions.

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