There's a pun in there somewhere, and Lord help me I'll find it someday.
Masters Degree Online (which apparently has the authority and inclination to do so) has awarded me with an award for Outstanding Performance Arts Blog.
I would like to thank the Academy, and all my fellow nominees.
And in addition to the shiny little badge you see below (um...thanks?) among the other (500) winners are some pretty cool blogs about acting and film-making and the like. I'm now following a few of them, so you should check them out.
Now you may say, "Michele, who the hell are these people? Isn't it possible that this site is merely Googling performance arts blogs in hopes that the poor shmucks that have 'won' will post links in their blogs, therefore advertising this site to all their followers for free?"
Well, concerned citizen, you're probably right. I however, am not really concerned, because the link embeded in the badge was coded wrong, and doesn't work.
Suck it.
Hey, they awarded me as well but I can't figure out how to add the badge to my site. Any help would be appreciated.