New York Film Academy
"Stockholm Syndrome"
Dear Michele,
Based on the track record you have of great film auditions as opposed to crappy musical theatre auditions, you are supposed to do film.
Do film.
Granted 12:30 in the afternoon doesn't sound like a very early morning, but my internal clock has been switched to "nocturnal" for the past few weeks and I haven't been getting to sleep any earlier than 5am no matter what time I actually lay down in the bed.
But I made it to the train with more than enough time to make it to Union Square before my appointment, and unlike the massive brain fart that preceeded last night's audition, I actually had my headshot and resume with me.
So I transfer at Grand Central for the 5 minute ride downtown, and just before I get on the train I happened to check the email the producer sent me the day before.
Be prepared to read from sides. Check. There also may be some improvisation. Check. Have a one to two minute dramatic monologue. Che... guh.
And this is the moment when I realize that I don't have a contemporary dramatic monologue in my repetoire.
Contemporary comedic I have. Classical dramatic I have.
So in the spirit taught to me by the great instructors at the Upright Citizens Brigade, I pulled something straight out of my ass.
Some of the words may have been a little off and I'm pretty sure I combined the beginning of the monologue with the end of the monologue, but I got the spirit of it. And it's a good thing too, because we didn't do scenes and we didn't really improvise. I just did the monologue, and then the director told me a little about the film, gave me an adjustment and I did the beginning of the monologue again.
And all in all I think it went really well. I felt good about it.
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