Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Now Entering the "I Suck" portion of the rehearsal process...

Ian came over to rehearse today. We solidified the staging of Scene One and worked a little bit on Scene Two. It went well, I'm not worried at all about blocking or not being clear on what I'm doing onstage physically, but I think I've come to that point in the rehearsal process where I start to second-guess everything I'm doing.

I mean, I'm taking some risks in this show. I'm doing some weird things. But what seemed like a good idea, and only natural the first few times I read the play now seem almost stupid. And weird.

Okay. But I know I'm just psyching myself out. I'm freaking out and I just need to calm down and do what I need to do. Have a clear and personal objective. Play a specific action.

Balls to the wall.

Oh, if Doug Nyman could see me now, he'd be so proud.

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