A plucky young theatre company called No Tea Productions set out to mount a multi-media, black and white, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, space serial parody (with puppets)!
The year was 2012. The Mars rover landed successfully, Hurricane Sandy was forming off the coast, and everyone, everywhere was watching Gangnam Style on their iPhone 4s.
That same year in the backstage area of the Kraine Theatre in lower Manhattan, we slathered baby powder all over our bodies to make us appear without pigment, and sprayed our hair silver, white or black. We donned short-shorts, leather bustiers and giant foofy tails, all for the sake of comedy.
The show was a hit, with rave reviews from NYTheatre.com, Theater For Nerds, and Backstage.
The question arose: What if we make this show into a movie?
And thus began the two-year journey into film-making that included hiking through Prospect Park, building a cave wall out of butcher paper, and transforming an office hallway into the throne room of an evil King.
Two years, countless ab exercises and a pair of twins born to the artistic directors later, and I'm proud to say that principal photography has wrapped! I sat down to watch a rough cut of the film with the rest of the cast earlier this week.
And it is FUNNY. It's so funny I think we missed half the jokes while laughing. And it's not just funny because all the people doing funny things are my friends. It's genuinely, absolutely hilarious, and I could not be more proud of what I saw.
More news as to the future of the project is forthcoming, but in the meantime, check it out on imdb!