Take the most iconic Shakespeare play in history, and now stage it flash-mob style on the streets of New York City.
This is the second year of Occupy Verona and I am proud to say that I'm playing Lady Capulet in this production!
We have had two performances so far and there are many more on the horizon, all over Manhattan and Brooklyn! Our schedule is up at occupyverona.com
There has already been some serious buzz! Our first performance was in Union Square, and it was absolutely packed with people, including a group of hare krishna playing VERY loud music all throughout Acts one through five, two hecklers clearly drinking whiskey out of Starbucks cups, a homeless guy in Oscar the Grouch pants who lectured our director on how the Montagues and the Capulet should wear different colors because "it's really about race relations," and... oh yeah... best-selling author Christopher Moore.
#OccupyVerona performing Romeo & Juliet at Union Square West 2nite. What a great surprise! pic.twitter.com/ExdqnOpYuM
— Christopher Moore (@TheAuthorGuy) September 19, 2013
Before the show started we got a pep talk from fearless director Joe Raik, which included What To Do if the Cops Stop Us. Thankfully, there was no police intervention. In fact, it seemed like the cops couldn't care less. Win. Although it would be pretty badass to have an arrest on record for performing Romeo and Juliet without a permit. I'm just saying.
Here are some of the other tweets from total strangers from out first performance:
A troupe performing act 5 of "Romeo and Juliet" in the middle of union square. Neato. #occupyverona pic.twitter.com/OkAqX5GA2M
— Eddie Dougrou (@Eddie_Doug) September 19, 2013
Just saw Romeo and Juliet live in #unionsquare! All we can say is: WOW!!! #occupyverona
— The Lovelies (@thelovelies) September 19, 2013
In conclusion, it's awesome. Come.